Monday, January 9, 2017

Are you Top-Of-Mind with your guests? Here's how to deliver WOW

Your brand is only as good as your last touch with the customer. While small businesses don't have the marketing budget to create major brand awareness, they do have a unique ability to craft their brand in their target market by providing excellent customer experiences. That's how to achieve top of mind.

I'm sure you've heard you should "create excellent customer experiences" before. This goes way beyond providing good service. While good service is expected, these days it's rarely delivered. Most service is mediocre at best. That gives you an amazing opportunity to shine.

So if you are going to wow your customer, you'll have to do something way beyond the minimum they will tolerate and even beyond what they expect. And that is where small business is in a unique position to deliver.

Get our list of ideas and step-by-step process to WOW your customer direct to your email inbox by clicking here:

Or, you can come back and see the next post tomorrow ... :)

Until next time …
Have fun, best success and we'll talk soon ...

Norm Bain
Business Success Coach
Winnipeg Canada

PS: See this post on my site by clicking here